Memorizing the Holy Quran حفظ القران

Memorizing the Holy Quran حفظ القران

Memorizing the Holy Quran simply means learning it by heart. It is one of the miracles of Holy Quran that it is the only book in the world that can be memorized word to word even by children of very young age. At the time of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), writing things for the purpose of storing them was not usually practiced, hence people used to memorize whatever knowledge they wanted to preserve. Even today when matters of preservation are no longer a difficult aspect due to advanced technology, memorizing Holy Quran is still the Honor that Allah grants to whomever he chooses. While it is in the hands of Allah who he chooses as the safe keeper of His Holy book, we are here to provide you the guidance and help you need to achieve this sacred honor.

Online Quran Academy Tutors use simple methods to make Memorize Quran online course easier for students. Even School going kids can memorize the Quran online with the help of our expert Teachers because our tutors encourage their interest to memorize Quran Online. Our Teachers indulge so much with the students that parents forget to worry about Quran classes of the kids because tutors keep the kids happy. They daily come to their class happy and classes go smooth. We take our duty of teaching seriously because its the sunnah of the Prophet SAW so you can rely on us.

Hadarat Ali Ibn Abi Talib narrated that:The Messenger of ALLAH (ﷺ) said:

“Whoever recites and memorize Quran, making lawful what it makes lawful, and unlawful what it makes unlawful, ALLAH will admit him to Paradise due to it and grant him intercession for ten of his family members who were to be consigned to the Fire”. (Darussalam) Arabic ref: Book 45, Hadith 3152

How to memorize Quran online?

New Memorization lesson
The lesson you memorize and read daily to your teacher.
Recent lesson memorized.
Lesson memorized in the past few days.
Old portion memorized of Quran
The lesson of the previous whole month.

The students are also trained with Tajweed rules. Quran is the Word of ALLAH so when the meaning changes due to pronunciation mistakes. Sometimes we get sin for that because as we strive for matters of this life. The same we should strive to Memorize Quran online with Tajweed rules.