3 Steps

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Learn Online Quran Classes

Quran is a Holy book for Muslims. The learning of the Quran is mandatory for all Muslims in the world. Learning of Quran by yourself is difficult. We should do learning the Quran under the supervision of great scholars and Quran tutors. Our online Quran classes are the best source of learning; you can get help from experienced Quran teachers for yourself and your children. Quran tutors will help you improve your Tajweed and the accuracy of recitation. Our online Quran classes will provide you with a private teacher who will facilitate a comfortable class; When you learn from your online teacher, it is precious because they will pay attention to you during the complete session. We have highly qualified and experienced staff for teaching Quran. You will learn constructively through online Quran Classes.

It will provide you with learning tools that boost you to read and learn Tajweed and memorize the Holy Quran. Online Quran Teachers will share the screen in the classroom. We has a single platform that keeps all the class aids for your learning purposes like learning games, flashcards, and activities. You will be confident in the Online Quran classes because you have the most trusted teachers. 3 Steps

Trail Classes For Beginners:

We offer trial classes for our new students to become confident in their classes. Our slogan is quality education for students. We promise you our commitment and work quality because a lot of fraud is wandering in the market. It is an Islamic institute we should fulfill our promises. You can select the time according to your country or your schedule.

The process of Online Quran Class

Online Quran classes provide their classes worldwide. It is possible for us by our struggle we try our best to give appropriate knowledge to our students. Online Quran classes provide you with native teachers who can teach your language fluently. Teachers are highly qualified and certified by famous institutions. While you invest your time and money in local teachers, it is not beneficial. Online Quran Academy provides you the opportunity to stay home and learn a lot of Islamic knowledge. Online Quran Classes are available for all ages.

The teachers primarily focus on the foundation of the classes like Tajweed, Memorization, Qirat, and other Islamic courses. They emphasize the pronunciation of Quranic words. We offer our online class 24/7; you can also take your class at midnight and on weekends.

Basic Quran Recitation course

The course introduced those kids and adults who are beginners to learning Tajweed and trying to recite Holy Quran with proper pronunciation. In this course, you will learn Arabic and the rules of Quran recitation. This course is for those who cannot recite the Arabic words in the Quran. We give them different exercises and activities to practice Quranic words. These exercises help them to improve their pronunciation. This course has videos for students for missed class and can cover their lessons from videos. At the end of the class, a student finishes, and they will be able to recite the Quran by themself.

Tajweed class for children and adults

We have to run with the world and religion. We have to manage time for Quran understanding to oblige Allah’s order for living our life. We cannot deny that the Quran learning is our duty; we have to give classes to our children. In a busy schedule, Online Quran classes are convenient for you to learn in your free time. Quran classes give you a variety of courses for your children as beginner learners and advanced learners. Those who wish to learn Islamic studies history of Prophets, Tajweed, and memorizing Quran classes. We are not compromising on quality education. We facilitate you with your scheduled time class and teachers accordingly. It is your choice what you want to choose, and our responsibility to give you what you want from us.

Appropriate age for Quran learning

Children can learn new things in their childhood; it is then our duty to help our children to learn Holy Quran at an early age so they will be familiar with the good and worst in life as per Islamic laws in their lives. We should teach them that oblige the Holy Quran to make your life easy. At an early age, brains are very sharp to pick up everything quickly and remember the Holy Quran in a short period. They can spend their life as a religious person as the Prophet teaches us. When you give your children Quran education at an early age, they will learn about it in their life.

Learning from Quran scholars

Our Online Quran classes offer you the best scholars and experienced tutors. You will learn Arabic smoothly from them; our tutors are fluent in your selective language. Online Quran Classes provide you the choice of male and female tutors as you want. It depends on your choice with whom you want to join. Your comfort is our priority. We observed female students are more comfortable with female teachers. So, we arranged female tutors for you. They can exchange better ideas about religion in their daily life. Both female and male teachers are doing their work up to the mark.

Experienced staff with reasonable charges

An experienced teacher always makes history for the institute and its students. They always remain a family member to their students. If you learn under experts, you will be a shining star. Online Quran academy wants to spread Quran education in the world on very reasonable charges that everyone can afford easily. Our course charges depend on your demand for schedule and environment. We try to give you productive classes at affordable fees. Although we know that the teaching of the Quran is a virtuous act, fee charges are considered Hadiyah.

Satisfactory and Effective learning

Learning through online classes is very effective and satisfactory for every age level. The memorizing method of Quran classes is the same as in other Islamic centers. At the start, your teacher listens to your previous lesson and then will teach you the next lesson, it will you to get to know how much you have learned from your classes.

Try your Free trail Online Quran Classes Today

We offer trial classes for our new students to become confident in their classes. Our slogan is quality education for students. We promise you our commitment and work quality because a lot of fraud is wandering in the market. It is an Islamic institute we should fulfill our promises.

Offered Online Quran Classes

If you want and looking for home tuition for yourself or your kids or family person; Online Quran Academy is the best option. We have male and female teachers speaking English, Arabic, Urdu, and Pashto as well. You can request the following online Quran classes:

Quran Reading with Tajweed

Quran Reading with Tajweed

Quran reading with tajweed class for those students who already completed their Qaida Class or having some basic knowledge of Arabic. In this course, the students will add beauty to their recitation of the Quran.


Memorizing the Holy Quran

Memorizing (Hifaz) the Holy Quran simply means learning it by heart. It is one of the miracles of the Holy Quran that is the only book in the world that is memorized word to word by hifaz.

online quran academy

Quran Learning For Kids

This class is the first step into Quran Learning for kids. When students are completing this course they can identify and pronounce the Arabic Alphabet, different symbols, and connecting the letters.